1:1 Face To Face Consultation

Are you a family member looking for NDIS Short-Term Accommodation (STA)/Respite options for your loved ones but find online resources challenging to navigate?
Don’t worry—we’ve got you covered! As an NDIS-Funded Assistive Technology & Disability Equipment Provider in Australia, CARE WITH US offers free, personalized consultations at your local library or a location of your choice.
What We Offer
During the consultation, you can:
- Learn about NDIS Short-Term Accommodation/Respite options.
- Ask any questions related to NDIS services and supports.
This consultation is free of cost and available to:
- NDIS Participants.
- Family Members of NDIS Participants.
- Independent Support Workers exploring NDIS STA/Respite options for their participants.
- Plan Nominees seeking NDIS STA/Respite options for their loved ones.
- Support Coordinators exploring NDIS STA/Respite options for their participants.
- Disability Service Providers researching NDIS STA/Respite solutions for their participants.
- Others seeking guidance on NDIS respite care services.
At CARE WITH US, we are dedicated to providing clarity, support, and solutions tailored to the unique needs of individuals and families.
Contact us today to schedule your free consultation and take the first step toward meaningful respite care and support!
Empower Your NDIS Experience Today!
Need expert NDIS guidance?
Whether you’re a participant, family member, or coordinator, our team is here to support you every step of the way.